Boxing has been around almost since the beginning of time with David fighting Goliath. Wrestling came in with the likes of Killer Kowalski, Haystacks Calhoun and Argentina Rocca in my day. Then came the MMA-UFC and now in Philadelphia on Saturday December 15th PAB HOF inductee and premier cut-man Joey Eye competing in the Las Vegas Arm Wrestling Tournament brings in another challenging event.
“I competed in the World Arm Wrestling Championships in Vegas in 2015 at the Thomas & Mack Arena. There were 2,000 guys competing and I came in fourth place. In 2016 in Atlantic City I competed in the Universal Arm Wrestling League National Championships and I took second place to go to Bulgaria to represent America in the World Championships. I am currently helping to promote. C.L.A.W. Arm Wrestling League to build up the competition here in Philly and South Jersey area,” said Joey Eye.
At 2733 East Clearfield Street off of Richmond Street “hands will be held” until the back of one of them hit the table! Sponsors such as PRAC, Hercules Auto Salvage, Champ Nutrition Center and Colosseum League of Arm Wrestling (CLAW) are behind this event. Come and see what VBA President Charley Sgrillo calls “the palace” loading with all kinds of Boxing Memorabilia pictures and a bar with a Hall of Fame room on the second floor.